It's a one-sided epistolary novella, a series of emails written by sergeant-rock to an ex-partner. The relationship has recently ended and we're told that "My therapist told me to take a break". So to mend a broken heart and to capture the ""atmosphere" of the place in the run-up to the Grand Prix", sergeant-rock heads to Monaco for a week.
The emails describe places to visit and people associated with Monaco. Photographs are included too. I recognized the weirdness of going to a place on your own, for a holiday or for work, and how lonely it can be, how difficult to talk to strangers. I felt sorry for sergeant-rock and wanted to advise, "just stop communicating with your ex," who never replies. As for Monaco, the place, it was a good attempt, as my old English teacher would say, at portraying its oddness. But one week can only give you a superficial view, the one that everyone expects and sees, "uptight women in their Chanel suits with their fluffy little handbag dogs." The book would however make a nice travel companion if you're thinking of visiting the Principality yourself.
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