Monday, 9 December 2024

The prudes of Facebook

In 2018 I went to a friend's art exhibition and wrote the review below. I posted a link on Facebook, where it has lived happily for six years. And then I got this message:

    6 Dec 2024
    We removed your content
    Why this happened: It looks like you shared or sent something that shows nudity or sexual activity.

So, good luck with sharing images of classical artwork such as Michelangelo's sculpture of David.

Here's the original review, with the image that caused such a fuss.

A peachy exhibition 🍑🍑🍑

Olivia Brazier's new exhibition, Les PĂȘcheuses (fisherwomen), uses witty French wordplay to link the fruity subject of the art (peaches / pĂȘches) with the name of the venue, the Galerie des PĂȘcheurs (fishermen). As with her November 2017 show in Monaco, Olivia's current collection uses collage and painting techniques to create images that explore the link between the female body and language used to describe it. In this exhibition cut-outs of women taken from porn magazines have been paired with peaches.

The larger works have been transferred onto silk, the smaller ones onto tile-sized wooden blocks. Some have a slightly fuzzy, distressed finish, giving the impression that they have been rescued from a deserted Italian villa. A peach-coloured palette, with earthy umbers, ochres and siennas suggests warm, balmy days.

There are images of hands and arms adorned with jewellery which appear to be tied to the fruit with lines, giving a sense of constraint. But we also see subjects surrounded by foliage and flowers, enjoying freedom and sensuality, the type of women who are certainly not fishes in the sea, waiting for fishermen to reel them in.

Check out Olivia Brazier's work at:

Les PĂȘcheuses exhibition, 16 November-30 January 2019:
  • Galeries des PĂȘcheurs
    Parking des PĂȘcheurs, levels 1 and 2
Open 24/7, accessible from down escalators at 4 avenue St Martin and from car park at Chemin des PĂȘcheurs

Monday, 2 December 2024

Waiting for the train

I was waiting for the train the other day. It was early afternoon and I thought it wouldn't be too busy, but there were lots of people milling about and chattering. With a few minutes before the train was due, I found a seat and made some notes, and for some strange reason, Tennyson's The Charge of the Light Brigade popped into my head. Perhaps the galloping rhythm reminded me of the train's movement. Anyway, here's the result.

French to the right of me,
Italian to the left of me,
a loud guy on his mobile on the edge of the platform.
Travellers tugging wheelies,
passengers pushing buggies,
a disembodied voice echoes from the speakers.
Footsteps, laughter, chatter.
Backpacks, bum-bags, handbags.
A humming train pulls in, sighs, stops. I push on.