Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Rose-tinted memories, mis-remembered by some, forgotten by others

The Old Devils A few years ago a university friend attempted to reunite our old gang. The response was somewhat unenthusiastic. Rose-tinted memories resurfaced, mis-remembered by some, forgotten by others. Thank goodness it didn't go ahead, unlike the reunion of The Old Devils in Kingsley Amis's novel.

Saturday, 26 August 2023

How to enrich your life

How to Enjoy Poetry (Little Ways to Live a Big Life) I love libraries. Unlike the online world, they don't limit your horizons to something an algorithm suggests because you've taken an interest in it before. You can be looking for books about travelling in Europe, and before you get to the shelf, you see something far more interesting that you didn't even realise you wanted. Which is what happens to me today.